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USD $ 490.00
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4 out of 5
Reviews: 57
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reduces appetite, helps control blood sugar
nausea, dizziness
Does Ozempic 100% free from hunger? Of course not. But thanks to this medication, I only eat two or three times a day when I’m really hungry, and even then, I eat very little, as I quickly feel full. I started to understand my body better, eat vegetables, and drink lots of water. The only bad thing is that I often feel sick. Well, I can’t say I’ve done much, but I’m optimistic about my weight-loss program.
Lack of appetite
the price
Ozempic helped me to understand one important thing: food is the foundation! Yes, we all know that the only way to lose weight is to eat less and move more. True, it is true, but the influence of sport is often overestimated in this duet. People believe that if they are physically active, they can eat a lot and simultaneously overestimate the calories burned by sports. I’m less hungry, I don’t exercise, but I’m steadily losing weight.
Kevin O'Melia
I disagree with you about sports; sports are very, very effective. And yes, obviously, you can not eat for two after sports.
lowered sugar
I’ve been trying to get out of a vortex of bad luck for years. I’ve been depressed and lost my appetite, but more often, I’ve just eaten rampantly. I was weighing the scales, and when I saw the numbers on the screen, I took off my clothes, earrings, necklaces, and everything I was wearing. When I looked in the mirror, I saw myself as fat and ugly. When I went to bed, all I could think about was breakfast, and I was always worried about my next meal. Doctors and Ozempic helped me break the cycle. I’ve been taking Ozempic for seven months and have lost 33 pounds. I walk a lot, but I don’t do sports. From my humble point of view, it’s a great drug. The powerful effect, I recommend!
Kevin O'Melia
I know this. It was really a closed loop. Before I started to lose weight, I went to a psychiatrist.
Lucy M.
shed some weight; lowered sugar
For the last seven weeks, I've been taking Ozempic 1. The runny nose and sour stomach have both happened to me, but I've also noticed that these reactions are exacerbated by overeating or having a heavy meal at late hours. Snacks under 100 calories are OK. I don't consume sugary drinks or foods, and I already consume a lot of fiber. I eat largely vegetarian meals for no particular reason other than that it makes me feel good. That, I believe, has minimized the adverse effects. The amount of weight I've shed so far has surprised me; it's startling. Also, my sugar level is lowering well.
Lost some weight
Was little nauseous
I've been blown away by the results thus far. Here is my story. The combination of insulin resistance and PCOS has led to a rise in my weight. In addition to a keto diet, my doctor advised me to try Ozempic. Starting with half dosage of 0.5mg a week and increasing it to Ozempic 1 after four weeks, I have dropped 20 cm from my waist. I've been consuming about 1000 calories a day, which has been simple. To notice the difference in centimeters, I haven't weighed myself yet. I get a bit sick for a few days following my injection, but I'm never hungry after that. I'm able to consume a little bit and yet feel satisfied! My daily water consumption is about 2 liters, and I walk around 8000 steps a day at work. It's a terrific product and a lot less expensive than others.
Reduced sweet and food cravings
Side effects
I started with a.25 mg dosage. Exactly seven days ago. I was sick for the first two days. Days 3 through 6 were a nightmare. I suffered because of blurriness. Tingling in the fingertips, stumbling into walls – lost equilibrium, strange and random muscle cramps, and body jerks are all symptoms I experienced. It's day seven now, and I woke up this morning feeling fine. My second.25-milligram injection is due on day eight, which is tomorrow. I've made an appointment with my cardiologist to see if he thinks I should stop taking my medications. A half-dose isn't possible using the pen's dosage setting options. I don’t want to stop the course since my cravings for sweets and food, in general, were much reduced. I was able to shed several pounds.
Works great
Ozempic works for me, even better than I expected. Last week, I stopped taking metformin for diabetes treatment.
I expressed my concern to my doctor about the possibility of a dangerously low level of blood sugar. Week 2's dose was upped to 1, and since then, I've been ill with a headache.
Next week, I will reduce my dose to 0.5 again and see whether the adverse effects go away. That will allow me to stop using insulin, which I'm hoping for. Will have to wait and see.
10 kg minus
side reactions
I am now on the third week of Ozempic. My goal is to shed at least 20 pounds I gained because of my depression and overeating issues.
The only negative effects I noticed are:
· Exhaustion.
· A little headache after the injection.
· A small worsening of my gastroesophageal reflux disease.
I think Ozempic works well for me. I really hope things will be OK, and I won't have to quit. I'm trying to read less negative reviews because they scare me. I've lost 10 kg so far, and I think it's an excellent result!
weight loss
the price
Before taking Ozempic, I performed extensive research and was aware of the possible adverse effects. A week ago, I began taking a 0.5 dosage. Instead of injecting it into my stomach, I've decided to do so into my upper leg. I guess it helped me not to experience adverse effects, but I'm not 100% sure to advise that to everyone. I walk for about an hour every day and eat three low-fat meals a day. I've lost 1kg in the last week, and I'm convinced that Ozempic will help me reach my target weight!
Reduced appetite
I was frightened to take this after reading reviews on Internet, but now I am very pleased I took this medicine. I've followed an advice regarding injecting the medicine into my upper thigh. Also, I was on an Ozempic 0.5 dosage for 4 weeks, then went to 1, and that's what I presently take. My appetite has reduced CONSIDERABLY. I was hooked on eating fast food, and now I cannot do it physically. I become full after eating one good-sized meal, and I can just have a snack like one fruit before sleep, and that's it. Side effects were minimal for me, I had some constipation, but I began taking prescribed supplements to deal with that. I have been on the drug for eight weeks now, and I'm down 15 lbs, and I feel terrific. Ensure your physician gets you to raise the amount gently, inject it into your thigh and be ready to make better food choices while beginning this treatment.

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